Saturday, 30 July 2016

A tutorial on web directories

Trying to become one of the top rated websites on the internet search engines is not an easy task to say the least. With the number of websites currently in operation creeping towards one trillion, there are those that believe that the old strategies for gaining a top rank may be dead, but there are still some things that a person should do if they have any chance of showing up in the search results of any of the top search engines. Thankfully these are anything but difficult and anyone with a small amount of internet related search knowledge can work through the issues. Working with these issues is fairly simple and the main goal is to get listed in the web directories.

Web directories are nothing more then storage facilities for website links and descriptions. That sounds simple enough right? Well what most people fail to realize is the fact that they are much more important then was previously thought, making web directories a top priority for those who are thinking of launching a website. This all stands to reason as web directories are the number one area where search engines and other systems look to produce information for web browsers around the world. The reason behind this is the fact that web directories are known to store and sort all of the links that are placed with them in a fashion that makes searching for the proper results simple. This creates an ease of operation for the search engines who normally use complicated equations in an effort to produce the best results.

Web directories are a completely opt in type deal. Only those who submit their website link and description directly to the web directories are listed and sometimes not even then. There are specific criteria for web directories that must be met before the link will be approved. In most cases this involves properly listing the category where the link will appear and an honest and clear cut mini description. For the most part the web directories of the net are edited only by a computer program that looks for certain markers and reads the keywords as they apply to the site. There are however several new human edited web directories that are in use by the giants of internet searching, like Google and Yahoo. With the human edited web directories there is a lot less chance of error and a better outlook for the search criteria.

The time to consolidate your student loans is now

I don't know if you're a fan of financial guru and radio show host Dave Ramsey, but I certainly am.

I listen to Ramsey every day and find his advice to be based on common sense principles for getting out of debt and building wealth.

One thing that Ramsey recommends is that if you have high interest student loans, you should refinance and consolidate them now to lock in a reduced interest rate and lower your monthly payments.

Other financial pundits agree. Most agree with Ramsey that the sooner you consolidate and refinance old high interest student loans, the better off you will be.

I don't have student loans (no college would have me :o), but many of my friends do.

I live in a very high tech area with lots of degreed engineers and programmers and scientists, many of whom owe tens of thousands of dollars in old school loan debt.

If you have student loans the time to think about refinancing is now.

Federal student loan interest rates are at an all time low, but that can't last forever.

By refinancing your student loans now, you lock in the interest rate for the duration of the consolidation loan.

The first thing you need to do is find out if you are eligible for student loan consolidation.

On a referral from a friend, I found one online organization that offers a free survey that will tell if you are eligible for a federal student loan consolidation.

This organization says their average customer saves $150 a month or $1,800 annually. That can add up to one heck of a savings over the life of a 5 to 10 year loan.

Simply complete the online survey found at the link below to see if you are eligible to consolidate your student loans.

All about bamboo floors

Bamboo is a type of grass. Being so, you might think that it is as soft and brittle as the typical grass species we know and can no way be used as building material. However, bamboo has proven itself very resilient and flexible, making it the material of choice for many structure builders.

The cost of bamboo flooring averages at between $2 and $4 for every square foot, which is just about the same price as oak. This is a fair price considering the many benefits it offers.

Installing bamboo flooring does not require any special and specific technique. In fact, there are several ways you can lay them on: You can float them, nail them down, or glue them on. Bamboo is also easier to get than oak because it only takes around 3 years for it to mature, as opposed to oak which can take up to a hundred years to be fully mature.

It is important to note that that bamboo is not a wood -- it's a grass, so we cannot call it hardwood. However, it can last as long as the standard hardwoods we have around, so that's probably why most people mistake it as such.

To make a flat, solid floor, the bamboo tubes are cut into strips. These are then these are boiled to strip the starch away. The boiled strips proceed to the drying and lamination process, and then milled to become strip floor boards. This is the same process that hardwoods like maple or oak go through. Finally, the strips are treated using a preservative to slow down decay.

There is something about bamboo floors that gives a room an ethnic and earthy feel. Because hardwoods like oak are rather dark and, thus, look too rich and heavy, using bamboo as your flooring makes your space appear lighter, airier, and less contrived.

But perhaps the best thing about bamboo floors is that they are easy to acquire and install. Bamboo floor strips are sold at all building materials stores. You don't have to search far and wide to get your hands on them.

Friday, 29 July 2016

Food for moistureless brittle nails

Brittle nails are routinely not associated with a medical disease. Brittle fingernails are a common status, developing on about 20% of people; more women than men develop brittle nails. Brittle nails customarily splinter or strip in horizontal layers, starting at the nail's free end. Brittleness in the nail may be created by trauma, such as regular wetting and drying, regular exposure to detergents and water, and drastic exposure to vitriolic solvents, such as those named in nail polish remover. Other possible grounds cover skin diseases (psoriasis, lichen planus, alopecia areata) as well as endocrine disorders, tuberculosis, Sjogren's syndrome and malnutrition. The incidence of brittle nails in the European and North American population is almost 20%, and women be affected from nail brittleness twice as often as men.

People who undertake cleaning jobs always will have brittle nails, unless they take the necessary steps to defend themselves from being susceptible to such a nail condition. Brittle nails are more of a headache for women with lower estrogen levels. Just as lower estrogen levels are known to make dry, brittle hair and skin, they have exactly same effect on nails. Dry, brittle nails is a problem that scores of women face. Nails dry-out in the winter time because of intense hand washing to stay healthful and because of all the dry air that is around generated as a result of heaters. Health Nutrition supports to control your fingernail health and provide a solution for dry, brittle nails. A scarcity of B-complex vitamins, eminently biotin, will form ridges along the nail bed. A diet deficient in calcium contributes to dry, brittle nails. Several vitamins and minerals have been intended for the prevention of brittle nails.

A lack of folic acid and vitamin C can lead to hangnails. Inadequate dietary essential oils, like omega-3, make cracking nails. Also, external precautions are also required. Apply nail polish remover no more than once a week. Bypass the nail polish removers with acetone and erase nail polish at best once a week. You can regularly do your nails during the week if your nail polish chips. Cosmetic moisturizers render immediate remedy for dryness but last only while they are applied. For people with gentle or intermittent brittle nails, a cosmetic moisturizer may be enough to hold the skin from feeling dry. Use a glass file or an emery board instead of a metal nail file. Also, make sure that you use your file only in one direction. Therapeutic moisturizers, which have also been useful to act as a barrier to keep water away from evaporating from the nails. Calcium-rich foods include all dairy foods, primarily yogurt, dark green leafy vegetables, almonds, beans, and sardines.

Dry, Brittle Nails Nutrition Tips

1. apply nail polish remover at most one time in a week.

2. Try to avoid nail polish removers with acetone and remove nail polish at most once a week.

3. Always use gloves.

4. Try to Avoid long exposure to water, such as swimming.

5. Try to Avoid exposure to chemicals that irk the skin and nails.

6. Always use hand lotion on your nails too. Rub it in after you wash your hands or take a shower.

7. Many vitamins and minerals have been intended for the arrest of brittle nails.

8. Use a glass file or an emery board instead of a metal nail file.


Controlling pain so it doesn t control you

Everyone experiences pain at some point in their lives – in fact, pain is the most common reason why people visit the doctor or require health care services.

What type of people must deal with pain?

* 80% of hospitalized patients

* 37% of cancer patients in long term care facilities

* 55% of home health patients

* Heart attack sufferers: 1.2 million

* Those with headaches: 5 million

* People with acute lung diseases: 4 million

* Dental problems: 3 million

* Digestive problems: 10 million

* Musculoskeletal disorders: 6 million

* 26 million people between 20 and 64 years of age that suffer from back pain

* 80% of people over 65 are affected by arthritis and musculoskeletal pain

* 1 American in 6 has painful arthritis

In some instances pain is a natural part of life that you can control with over-the-counter painkillers, meditation, or other methods. For others, such as those suffering from arthritis, pain is an everyday occurrence, and can be quite severe and more difficult to manage.

There are three main types of pain:

Somatic pain: Occurs in the skin, muscle or bone. Ever felt an aching, throbbing or feeling of pressure? Then you have probably experienced this type of pain.

Visceral pain: Affects the body's internal organs and cavities. This is a pain that creates a gnawing, cramping or sharp sensation.

Neuropathic pain: Results from damage to the nervous system. Can be experienced as a burning, shooting, or pins-and-needles feeling.

Pain can be characterized as mild, moderate, or severe. Pain categories are used to help physicians select the most effective pain medication.

Mild (BPI rating of 1-4): aspirin, acetaminophen (Tylenol), or NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Motrin and Aleve.)

Moderate (BPI rating of 4-6): tramadol (Ultram), codeine, hydrocodone (Vicodin), or oxycodone (OxyContin)

Severe (BPI rating of 7 or above): morphine, hydromorphone (Dilaudid), or fentanyl (Actiq).

Pain management is important if you want to live each day to its fullest without unnecessary suffering. Pain can negatively affect all aspects of your life and inhibit your ability to carry out simple tasks, such as eating regular meals. It can impact your sleeping patterns, drain your energy, alter your mood and make it difficult or impossible to accomplish daily chores and responsibilities.

Pain management, if done right, makes it possible to lessen or eliminate pain and suffering. The best way to achieve this is to treat the cause of the pain, through the proper use of pain medication. Other pain relief techniques, such as relaxation, can be used in conjunction with medicine to achieve the best results.

Often, doctors prescribe more than one medication to achieve adequate pain relief. Combining two different pain medications is an effective control method because you can give the patient a good dose of medicine, thus providing optimum relief, without administering too much of one drug. Just remember: it’s always best to deal with pain as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be to control, so make sure you communicate well with your physician and/or caregiver to attain the best results.

How you handle pain and medication depends on your personal physiology, so caregivers are never 100% certain what method of pain control will work for you. Medication may not be able to rid your body of pain entirely, but if it significantly alleviates the amount of pain you experience, enough to allow you to eat, move, and breathe easily, that is considered successful pain management.

Monday, 25 July 2016

Preserve your sanity by consolidating your debt

When you have a lot of debt hanging over your head it really can become overwhelming and too much to handle. Many prefer to dodge the calls and the letters of the debt collectors. Instead, why not consolidate your debt and get out of the hole that you are currently in? You may feel that there is no way out of debt, but there is! The process is slow, but if you take it one day at a time, you will find that you are able to get out from under the cloud that is hanging over you now in less time than you had ever imagined.

Why Consolidating Your Debt Works

Many people hear the term debt consolidation and they don't understand why putting all of their debt together works. The idea is simple. Instead of having several different creditors that you are paying interest and principle to you have just one entity that you are paying to. For instance, imagine that you had 10 different credit cards that you were paying to and you were paying 20% interest to each of them. A lot of the money that you are paying out each month is interest. So, if you combined all of the debt and you were paying 15% interest on the entire amount that you owe, you would be paying substantially less than you are paying today.

When you consolidate your debt you are trying to eliminate all of the unnecessary expense that is associated with paying off debt. The problem that many people have when they are in debt is that their interest rates are so high that they are only able to pay on the interest on each of their accounts, so they are never actually decreasing their debt. When you consolidate all of your debt and you are paying just one interest payment, you are better able to start making payments on the principle amount that is due, which is what you want to do. When you are able to pay off more than the interest you are actually chipping away at what you owe.

While consolidating debt is a bit scary because you'll have to look at a larger amount of money that is due, it makes things easier in the long run. When you have money that is owed in ten different places it is difficult to make payments on everything and stay up to date. While the account balance will be more, it will be the only account that you have to worry about. This allows you to focus on what needs to be done to not only pay the interest but also start paying off the money that is actually owed.

Debt consolidation works. Thousands, if not millions of people, are working their way out of debt right now thanks to consolidating their debt. It's amazing how when you do away with all of the different, and often high interest, rates how much more effective your payments actually are. You can pay the same amount that you have been in the past, yet you will see your account balance getting smaller and smaller with each payment.

Home equity loans based on a 2nd mortgage

If you are looking to take advantage of the money accrued in your home, 2nd mortgage home equity loans are worth looking into. You can use the equity in your home to do some home improvements, take a vacation, or pay off some of your other debts. Getting a 2nd mortgage home equity loan can be a great way to get a little extra breathing space financially, and take advantage of your most valuable asset.

What is equity?

Simply, equity is the amount of ownership you have in your home. When you first get a loan, the lender basically owns the house. As you make payments, and as your home increases in market value, you start to own more and more of your home, and the bank owns less and less of it. The amount that would be left if you were to pay off your mortgage home loan today is the equity. 2nd mortgage home equity loans are a way to take advantage of the cash value you have built up in your home.

Using the money from 2nd mortgage home equity loans

There are many things that you can use the money for when you take advantage of a 2nd mortgage home equity loan. This is because the money that results from such a loan is yours. Here are some things that many people use the money for:

· Home improvements. Many people make expensive repairs and upgrades with the money from a 2nd mortgage home equity loan. Home improvements add to the home’s value, and can increase the amount of equity in the home.

· Vacations. Some people make it a point to go on vacation when they have equity built up. This is because many people feel that they deserve a nice break after working so hard. Using the money for a vacation can be a rewarding experience in some cases

· Consolidating debt. If you have a great deal of consumer debt, especially credit cards and medical bills, 2nd mortgage home equity loans can help you pay them off. You can consolidate your debt into a single, lower monthly payments and interest rate. Plus, most home equity loan interest payments are tax deductible!

How to feed the spiders and grab the top spots

Over the years I have created 24 fully operational websites and as an experiment this evening (30 November 2005) I did a progress check on the very first site I ever launched: writing-for-profit. com.

5 years on and here is how this site is ranking today on the top six major search engines

Google No.1

Yahoo! No.2

MSN No.1

AOL No.1

AltaVista No.2

AllTheWeb No.2

Using the keyword phrase ‘writing for profit’ check out for yourself the veracity of these rankings.

Do it now; prove the power of feeding the spiders and grabbing the top spots.

How do I manage to do that?

• How do I manage to sustain top rankings for a 5 year-old website when almost every other site fails to achieve even ONE Top 30 ranking after years of trying?

• How do I not only achieve Rankings 1 & 2 on the major search engines but also manage to maintain these top spots 5 years on?

The secret lies in researching what the spiders want to see and gobble up when they visit your website.

And that is exactly what this system does; feeds the spiders and snares them into grabbing the top spots for my sites.

It did not happen overnight; it took hundreds of hours of burning the midnight oil before this system was perfected and converted into a technique that works irrespective of the ever-changing search engine vagaries.

It works for me because it not only feeds the spiders; it feeds them with precisely what they like to eat – and the proof of the pudding is that ALL of my 24 websites have Top 10 rankings for their core keywords.

Is this system easy to understand?


Is implementation just as easy?


There are no free rides on the cyberspace roller coaster and if you want to succeed, you have to work at it.

This is a complete turnkey system, not optimization software, and it is not for everyone.

It works for me because I work for it, consistently, contentedly, and in the process reap the rewards of top rankings for all of my websites.

If you would like to learn more about the system I use to feed the spiders you might want to visit the website address featured in the resource box below.

Saturday, 23 July 2016

Laughing at the indian cricket team

Indian cricket is headed for a disastrous World Cup and only those who wish to bury their head in the sand can think that they will do well there. The pitches in West Indies are fast and the players (who anyway have a tough time on such pitches) will succumb easily. They will advance (I truly hope so) to the next round by beating the weak teams but they will lose once again to the strong ones and they will find ourselves out and forgotten very soon. So instead of feeling sad, the only thing left for the fans to do is to joke about them. So here goes!

The story goes that there was a couple married for quite some time and they had a boy of 5-6 years old. Their relationship was turning sour. So finally it reached such a stage that they thought it was better for them to be divorced than to carry on such a relationship.

So they consulted a lawyer. But the big question was who would have the kid. In the hearing in the court it was decided that this choice should be left to their son. So the judge asked "Son, would you like to stay with your mummy?"

The kid replied," No, mummy beats me."
So the judge asked "Then, would you like to stay with your papa?"
The kid replied, "No, papa beats me too."

Now the judge was in a dilemma and was not able to decide what to do. After pondering for some time he smiled with the ideas he had in his mind about the child.

And he gave the judgment that the kid would stay with

Any guesses?

Come on I know you can guess this.

Ok here is the decision: The judge decided that the kid would stay with the Indian Cricket Team because they never beat anybody.

And here are some one liners to pipe up your day:
Why do Indian babies cry and complain all the time?
They are practicing how to become Indian cricketers when they grow up.

What is an handcuffed Indian Cricketer called?
A cricketer you can trust.

What are the four words that will destroy any Indian batsman?
Did you bat today?

Why doesnt the crowd blink when Tendulkar goes out to bat?
There just is no time until he gets out again.

What is the difference between an Indian batsman and an Australian one?
100 runs.

What is the difference between batteries and Indian cricketers?
Batteries have a positive side.

How do you force Indian cricketers to run between wickets?
You place food on either end.

Yes, I know that some of these jokes are really putting the Indian team down but considering their recent form (excluding the recent two victories against West Indies which I think is more of a fluke than anything else), I felt that I could say such things.

I cannot understand how such players such as Ganguly, Tendulkar, Dravid and the rest can let the fans down time and again. Sometimes it seems that they are not really interested in playing and that they gamble away their wicket easily. If that is the case then they should leave and let other more able and willing youngsters take a shot. They will not fare much worse in any case. What will they do? Lose. They lose anyway and to any cricket playing nation in the world!

Friday, 22 July 2016

The need for child sponsorship

Tragedies happen every day in several parts of the world. Countries like these are plagued by wars, military corruption, diseases, unemployment and high crime rates. Those born there usually have their childhood is stolen away from them. They are forced to work in brutal conditions, they can’t afford a good education and most of them are illiterate. Malnutrition is a common thing and it is the one that drives people to do anything to survive. That’s why child sponsorship foundations were created. They were intended to help make life better for those who are less fortunate. Child sponsorship organizations make an appeal to other people to donate a monthly amount of money to support different children. Some people criticize these child sponsorship organizations because they think the money doesn’t really go to the children, but to the government for totally different projects. For some, this might be true, but what about the others that do help? Shouldn’t they be given a chance?

The first step in making life better for these children is making sure that they lead a healthy life. That’s why the main concern of any child sponsorship organization is to offer them a decent place to live in and to ensure that they don’t suffer from hunger. The goal is to help them lead a normal life. That’s why the children that live in former war zones or in polluted environments are taken away through a child sponsorship program. Their families are instructed how to take care of the children’s nutritional problems and financial support is the one that makes the biggest difference. If the children suffer from malnutrition, child sponsorship programs can fix this.

Education is a basic need nowadays because, without knowledge, pathways in life are blocked. After food and shelter, this is the primary objective of a child sponsorship program. This kind of program is intended to help children by giving them access to education and opening a lot of doors in their lives. These child sponsorship programs don’t have to force children to learn, but only to give them the resources, free access to libraries, studying materials and to computers. Education is a privilege and most poor persons would give anything for a chance to learn. In developed countries education is probably the main thing that draws the line between being rich and poor. This is why child sponsorship organizations are trying to meet the educational needs of children. A good education means a better chance to make it in life or possibly a ticket out of poverty.

As the status in some countries is unbelievable, the people there have asked for support from those richer than them. Poverty that has reached high rates and the violence that has made life insecure push people to ask for assistance from those more powerful than them. Let’s take Brazil for example. The population is 184.1 million people out of which only 87% of them have access to drinking water and only 86.4% are literate. The education rate is therefore very low meaning that approximately 24 million people don’t know how to read or write. This is where the child sponsorship organizations come in. They supply the children and their families with food, drinking water and a way to get educated. Another huge problem is illness. Because of the lack of medicine or of money to buy them, any mild disease can kill them. In Brazil over 600 thousand people have AIDS and 15 thousand others have died of this disease. This is a matter in which the child sponsorship organizations can’t do too much.

Today child sponsorship is available for anyone who wants to do some good. All they need to do is go to the nearest sponsorship organization and be a part of a child sponsorship program. One has a variety of options: donating a monthly amount, donating only one time or choosing a child to constantly support financially. A child sponsorship program isn’t a one way benefit. The donor has the biggest reward of all: the satisfaction to have been able to do some good. If a person chooses a child to support, then he can meet that child if he wants to (with the help of the child sponsorship program). There is also the feeling that no financial remuneration can offer: gratitude. Because the Internet is an open door facing the world, child sponsorship can be done just by sitting in front of the computer. By simply accessing one of the child sponsorship organizations’ homepage, a person can become the owner of a bank account and choose the child sponsorship program that he wants.

Today’s world is considered to be a civilized one, but how can it be so to the full extent of the term while there are still places where every day life is a torment, where people can’t read or write and where epidemics always threaten them? Sponsorship organizations were created specifically for this. Child sponsorship is a proof that society can be civilized if common people decide to give a helping hand. Children are the future, but if the present models them in the wrong way, what will the future be like? Will there be a future and, and if so, will it be illiterate? That’s where a child sponsorship organization fits in. It tries to make the third world countries develop and reach the level of first world countries. A child sponsorship program doesn’t take care of the children disregarding the family. It considers the best way a child can grow having a loving family and a healthy community. This way, people in less fortunate parts of the world are taken care of. Help makes the world better by starting from the bottom up and persuading until the problem is solved.

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Pickup sales falling there s a good reason why

Pickups, for years, have been the best-selling vehicle in the United States. But recently released year-to-date sales are showing that overall, pickup truck sales have fallen this year. Sales for the Nissan Titan have dropped more than 9% this year. In September of 2006, more than 6,000 Titans were sold. This past September, sales barely beat the 5,000 mark. Chevrolet's Colorado and Ford's Ranger are faring far worse. Sales for the Ford Ranger are down more than 20% over this time last year. September sales for this year are down by 43% compared to 2006. Chevy's Colorado is down more than 18% in overall sales for the year and even sales for the popular Chevy Silverado are down nearly 2%. Nissan's suffering as well with an 18% drop YTD (year-to-date) with the Frontier, and GMC's Sierra is barely holding on to market share with a 1.6% drop in sales over last year. This can be alarming for some people looking for a car, van, or SUV but most buyers agree that the risk far outweighs the reward.

On the flip side, Dodge's Ram is holding steady—actually up one percent over last year and has sold more than 500 more Rams in September '07 than it sold in September 2006. Toyota's also doing well. Even though sales for the Tacoma were down by almost 3,000 vehicles this past September compared to the September prior, year-to-date sales of the pickup are up by 1.2%. Tacoma's sleek older brother the Tundra is doing exceptionally well, up more than 50% over last year.

So why are the sales of certain companies on the decline while others are holding steady or shooting toward the stars? It could have to do with the minor improvements made in safety features to last year's pickups. Since safety has shown in multiple studies to be a "very important consideration" among consumers of automotive vehicles-- and to those who bought pickup trucks specifically-- companies that have upgraded safety equipment seem to be garnering favor.

Isuzu is one of these companies. Isuzu's i-290 offers advanced safety features like Dual-Stage Airbags, an airbag suppression system, a Four-Wheel Anti-Lock Braking System, Tire Pressure Monitoring System, Daytime Running Lights, and Child Seat Lower - and Top-Tether Anchors for those with young children. The bigger i-370 includes similar features as the i-290, but also offers Head-Curtain Side-Impact Airbags, a Day/Night Auto-Dimming Rearview Mirror, Electronic Traction Control, Shift-On-The-Fly 4-Wheel Drive, and Automatic Locking Rear Differential. The i-370 sports all of these features in both the Extended and Crew Cab models.

The 2006 Toyota Tacoma also performed well in crash tests, proving its worth. With a "G" rating (the highest of four possible ratings) in six out of seven categories, according to IIHS (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety), it certainly deserves to be mentioned along with the Isuzu i-290 and i-370.

In addition to active and passive safety features, comprehensive roadside assistance programs are now being considered as a valuable part of a vehicle purchase. Isuzu offers one of the best roadside assistance packages available. It offers free roadside assistance for up to 7 years or 75,000 miles.

How to fly into malaga spain

About twelve million people fly into the Malaga, Spain each year. Malaga is a port city along the Mediterranean Sea in the Costa del Sol region of Spain and, fortunately, the Malaga airport is often considered one of Spain’s most efficient airports. Travelers to this area fly into this airport daily and with the increase in the number of travelers using the airport, it is presently undergoing major construction. There are presently two terminals with a third terminal expected to open in 2008. The majority of passengers use terminal two and, for this reason, it would be wise to arrive early for your flight. As is typical, you should provide yourself with enough time to check in to your flight, get through security and find the correct terminal. Additional time for security is needed, but you should also provide yourself plenty of time to park. Due to the construction, parking at the airport sometimes proves to be a challenge. Due to the airport’s heavy traffic, it offers many services to meet the needs of its passengers. There are counters providing information on its services in the entrances of both terminals. These information desks are easy to find.

The Malaga airport is a large international airport offering connections to over 60 foreign countries. Over 120 worldwide airports offer flights into the city which makes it much more likely to find a good deal. You can call the discount airlines directly, call a travel agent or make a reservation online.

Upon arrival at the airport, you have several transportation options available for you to reach your destination. The most convenient is a car hire company. There are quite a few car hire services in the airport, while other companies will pick you up from the airport. It is, of course, a good idea to reserve a car in advance to ensure a car will be available when you arrive. Taxis are another option and can take you from the airport to your destination in Malaga or surrounding cities. The fare charged is based on the distance to your destination. The farther you need to travel, the more expensive the fare will be. Public transportation from the airport is also available. Larger groups can take the public minibus which stops at ten locations throughout the Costa del Sol region. Smaller groups can use the shuttle coach, which is less expensive. You must reserve transportation on the shuttle in advance. There is also one direct bus which runs form the airport to the Marbella bus station. Information on the Malaga airport bus can be found at the information desks in the terminal. Finally, there is a train transfer from the airport located outside the international terminal. The train comes every half hour, as the ride to the city is only twelve minutes.

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Buying yourself a domain name

Domains are an important part of your web page, one of the most important parts because it is the address individuals will use in order to load your page. So, having a catchy and easily remembered domain name is important. The problem is, too many individuals you use domain names that are provided to them by their internet service provider. This is not the name you want your web site to have if you want to rise to the top and make the most money possible. You need to rent or buy your own domain name that has something to do with the product or service you are offering on your web page.

There are many ways in which you can register domains, or domain name, and most of the time it is relatively inexpensive and sometimes it is even free. You simply need to do a little research in order to find the domain name that works for your business and fits your budget as well.

Another thing to keep in mind when registering domains is what names are available, are the. com,.net, or. org, and if so how many of the same domains are available with different endings. For instance, if your company sells tires and you buy the domain name tiresrus. com then you will want to know if tiresrus. net and tiresrus. org are also available. If so, you will also want to buy them and have them linked to your web page in order to garner more traffic.

If you already have a web site set up with a domain name you are simply using, you do not have to start completely over when you buy a new domain name. All you have to do is buy the domain name or names that adequately reflect your web sties and then have your current web site hosted by a new server that will link it to the domain name you bought. This is not immediate and generally takes a few days, but it is worth it because now you will have a serious domain name which shows your web page is serious and not a joke. The few days you spend waiting for the transfer will be well worth your while.

So, go ahead and step up to the big leagues and get your domains today. Just go to the web and search domain names and you will be able to check and see if the names you want are available and if so you will be able to buy them. It really is as easy as that, so go ahead and try it out today. You will make up the small investment on the domain name in no time, probably even the first day!

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

There s no place like theme parks

Regardless of your age or of the things you like to do, there is no place to vacation quite like theme parks. I hope all of you have fond childhood memories of visiting theme parks with your family. I hope you remember waiting in lines for hours to experience the latest adventure ride and I hope that you remember the joy of being able to eat as much junk food as you wanted during your visits to theme parks. If you don't have these fond memores, it isn't too late. Make a visit to theme parks the next vacation for you and your family.

I love theme parks because they can entertain a four year old or a seventy-four year old. How many other vacations can you think of that everyone will enjoy equally? The variety of experiences that theme parks provide is one of the best things about them. Whether you are looking for wild adventure or for a relaxing way to unwind for a few days, theme parks can be the right place for you.

Another great thing about vacationing at theme parks is that for the most part, theme parks include everything you and your family need to have a great trip. Hotels and condos are often onsite or nearby. Theme parks often provide package deals that allow you to purchase a hotel or condo, your passes for the theme parks, and your meals all for one great price. Parents can actually relax and enjoy vacationing at theme parks because they never have to worry about cooking meals or about getting their family from place to place. Theme parks are designed in compact ways that make getting around them quick and convenient.

There are more theme parks then you'd probably guess. Pick a state or an area of the country that you'd like to vacation to and then research to see if there are theme parks you can visit. You can search for theme parks on the internet or utilize the services of a great travel agent. Look for package deals whenever possible if you're looking to save money. You can often choose between three day, five day, or week long package deals for theme parks.

So gather your parents and your children and choose one or more theme parks for your next vacation. Allow the people you love to be entertained by the wide variety of great events that most theme parks offer.

Monday, 18 July 2016

Love in the time of cheap airfare

The Makings of a Heartbreak

Who doesn't know how hard it is to maintain a long distance relationship? Your partner and you have visions of a wonderful future together. You see each other eye to eye, soul to soul. So, what's standing between you and what could be the great love of your life? If you're from UK and your sweetheart is in Amsterdam, the answer is distance. Yes, distance, time constraints, individual careers, and exorbitant airfares that burn gaping holes in your pocket. Still, you never give up hope that one day, airlines will grow a conscience and offer cheap flights from UK to Amsterdam.

Hopes for Star-Crossed Lovers

There’s light at the end of the tunnel, though. There are airlines that have slashed the prices of their airfare, making cheap flights from UK to Amsterdam possible. For example, if you live anywhere in London, you’d be overjoyed to know that there are fares to Amsterdam below Ј100. All you have to do is be resourceful in availing of discounted seats and airline promos.

Cheap Flights from UK to Amsterdam: the Modern Cupid

People maintaining long-distance relationships rejoice! Airlines are now trying to give the lowest possible administration charges in bookings. As a result, air carriers, also known as “no frills” or budget airlines, are now offering cheap flights from UK to Amsterdam.

Missing your hunnybunny in Amsterdam and feeling that a phone call can’t soothe the loneliness? Get online, type in keywords such as “budget flights” or “promo airfare,” input your location and that of the place you're going to, then hit enter. Next, you trawl through the sites yielded by search engines, book a flight for the day, charge it, print out your e-ticket, pack your toothbrush and a spare change of clothes, and as quickly and painlessly as that, you can make your way from the airport to your loved one's waiting arms.

Take note, though, that these flight rates, while still quite affordable compared to what other airlines charge, are pricier if tickets are purchased one day before, or on the date itself, of the actual departure. To avail of highly discounted airfare, book your flight early. The amount you save in cheap flights from UK to Amsterdam would eventually accumulate to some serious sum.

Love Connection

You would be happy to know that most flights servicing both countries are offering budget fares. So, cheap flights from UK to Amsterdam are not a one-time thing at all. Affordable air travel will help you keep the loneliness at bay. After all, cheap flights from UK to Amsterdam have practically made next-door neighbors out of the two countries.

Exploring the many cures for headaches

Many people get headaches as a response to physical strain, cramped muscles, and pinches nerves. These muscular headaches can be brutal, and are usually reoccurring to a very persistent degree. Usually, there is some level of tightness in or soreness in the area the muscle strain is occurring, like your neck or back area.

Because your nerves in that region are all connected and ultimately lead to your head, strain in your neck, shoulders, or back can produce headaches. Usually these kinds of headaches start out very localized, but can often spread over your entire head. Cures for headaches of this kind are difficult, as you have to cease doing whatever it is that is causing the strain, and may need extensive physical therapy to help your muscles recover.

Then there are sinus headaches. These are especially nasty, but fortunately are rarely a constant reoccurring phenomenon. Sinus headaches result from pressure in your sinuses, as a result from allergies, colds, or a sinus infection. If you get sinus headaches a lot, you may be suffering from allergies. Cures for headaches of this type can range from allergy treatments, to decongestants. My favorite is Claritin.

Unfortunately, headaches are one of the most complicated and poorly understood phenomenons in the medical world. Have you ever tried asking your doctor about cures for headaches? If you ask ten different doctors about headaches, you’ll get ten different answers.

The reason why doctors give you so many different answers is because headaches can have so many causes, and a lot of them aren’t really clear. If you get a lot of headaches, the first step you should do is try and figure out what kind of headaches you’re getting. From my understanding, there are a few different kinds.

Last but certainly not least, are migraines; everyone’s favorite and the least understood of the headache family. There are so many potential causes for migraines its not funny. If you suffer from migraines often, like me, it’s a good start to keep a kind of headache log.

Record hours you slept, how well you slept, what you ate and drank, what you did during the day, anything you can think of and see if you can detect patterns with your headaches. If you can’t get your finger on it there’s always painkillers. While they’re certainly not cures for headaches, they are better than nothing.

If you suffer from frequent headaches like me, finding some effective cures for headaches has probably been a personal goal of yours. I know for me it has been like the search for the Holy Grail. I would gladly sell my soul for some kind of magic pill of treatment that would serve as a once and for all cure for headaches.

Sunday, 17 July 2016

Top tourist activities in california

There are few areas in the United States, and in the world for that matter, that offer the sheer abundance and diversity in terms of tourism that can be found in the state of California. The state is home to many different attractions, both natural and man made, and tourists can find any taste for travel that they may have satisfied in this most populous state.


Eco-tourists have always been drawn to California due to many of the natural attractions found there. In fact, California’s natural wonders hold several records, and in order to preserve this legacy there are several National Parks set up throughout the state. Here are some of the most popular natural attractions and activities in the state.

- California Redwoods. California is the home to the tallest organisms on earth, the giant redwoods. These trees can be found all along the California coast, with a big concentration just north of San Francisco.

- Sequoias. California is also home to the largest living organisms on Earth, and these can be viewed at Sequoia National Park in central California. In fact, the Park is home to five of the largest tress on earth in terms of sheer volume of wood. The park also has several areas for hiking and nature watching.

- Ocean. When you think California, surfing might be one of the first things that come to mind, with good reasons. The surf along the Pacific Ocean make for some of the best year round surfing in the world, and the best surf in the United States. The Pacific Ocean also makes for some great beaches all along the California coast, including the incredible Long Beach.

- Death Valley. California holds yet another record in that the hottest spot in the United States was recorded in Death Valley. This is a popular destination for tourists who like to hike and rock climb, but make sure to bring plenty of water and sunscreen!

- Natural Activities. Hiking, whitewater rafting, skiing, and mountain biking are all activities that can be enjoyed in California. The rich natural diversity of the state make for a satisfying trip for people of all adventure tastes.

Man Made

In addition to its natural wonders, California has many attractions made by humans that tend to draw even more humans to look at them.

- Cities. Los Angeles and San Francisco are two of the most storied cities in American history, and both are located in California. San Jose, Anaheim, and San Diego are also popular with tourists. San Francisco also offers one of the greatest achievements in American architecture in the Golden Gate Bridge, a suspension bridge that spans the Bay.

- Vineyards. California is home to one of the most productive wine industries in North America, and each year wine enthusiasts from all over North America flock to the vineyards of the state for tastings and festivals. California is well noted for all of its agricultural outputs, being the world’s fifth most productive regions.

- Disneyland. Of course, you can’t leave out the most exciting destinations for kids when you are talking about tourism in California. Disneyland continues to be one of the most popular destinations for tourists in the United States, although it has been losing popularity in recent years.

California is the third largest state in terms of land mass, which is a good thing as there needs to be a lot of room for all of the people that live there. While it is the most populous state, there is still natural wonder throughout the state, making it perfect for tourists of all stripes.

Friday, 15 July 2016

Divisional outlook for june - al east

Well, we’re looking like geniuses based on our last report on this division. It’s still more than the traditional two-horse race, as the Red Sox and Yankees have a party-crasher still hanging on to hopes of a division title in the form of the Toronto Blue Jays. Although the standings are the same as last month, there have been more than a few twists and turns since we last visited the AL East, and it still looks like any of the top three teams could emerge as the champ come October.

Boston Red Sox


The Red Sox are holding on to the lead by the slimmest of margins, but they’re still on top, and that’s what matters. The Red Sox have been mediocre in the past month, posting a 15-13 record, and David Ortiz and Mike Lowell are continuing their strong seasons. Manny Ramirez is also having another Manny-like year. The team’s pitching has fallen off a bit, though, as Josh Beckett has struggled.


The Red Sox have too much talent and heart to simply fade away, and if their pitching comes back around, they’ll be there at the end.

New York Yankees


The Yankees have been similarly mediocre in the past month, putting together just a 15-14 record and failing to gain much ground on the Red Sox. They have also been inconsistent, as they’ve enjoyed a five-game winning streak and dealt with a four-game skid during this time. Derek Jeter and Robinson Cano are still going strong, but the Alex Rodriguez drama has been a distraction.


If Rodriguez can win back the fans by turning it around, this team could surge. Mike Mussina is still going strong, and Randy Johnson is coming around. They’ll be around all year.

Toronto Blue Jays


Apparently, it’s been mediocrity all around for the contenders in the AL East, as the Blue Jays have also gone 15-14 in the past month. It seems that no one is making a move these days in a division that could be had. The Blue Jays are still getting offense from Alex Rios and Vernon Wells, but their pitching outside of Roy Halladay remains suspect.


If the Blue Jays can get some pitching help either from their current roster or with a trade-deadline move, they could shock the world and win this division.

Baltimore Orioles


The Orioles had a disappointing month, going only 14-17. Their bats have gone cold recently, and that spells big trouble for the Orioles, who continue to struggle with pitching. Only the Royals have given up more total runs this season than the Orioles.


It’s getting late rather early in Baltimore. If they don’t turn it around soon, they’ll be planning for next year very soon.

Tampa Bay Devil Rays


After a somewhat promising start, the Devil Rays stumbled last month, going 13-18. The team started the month on a four-game winning streak, but lost that momentum with a six-game skid soon thereafter. The team really doesn’t have much offense, as only the Royals have scored fewer runs in the AL this season.


This is a team that needs to be viewed in the big picture. They are building a young foundation, and in a year or two could contend, but not this year.

Thursday, 14 July 2016

5 quickest ways to lower your life insurance premium

Worried about the spiraling life insurance premium? We have enlisted 5 quickest ways to lower your life insurance premium. Well, keep these points in mind but do tread with caution and act prudently.

Shop around and Bargain

Shop, Compare and Bargain! Well, the oldest principle, old as dirt, but still going strong. Once decided on your coverage, don’t just sign up for the first plan that crosses your eye. Ensure that you shop around (internet is a great place to start) and get a feel of the market. This would help you to bargain hard and get the greatest coverage at the lowest possible price.

Opt for Term Life Insurance – The quickest way to lower your life insurance premium is to opt for Term Life Insurance policy instead of a whole-life policy. The idea is to keep insurance as what it is and not turn it into an investment product. Thus, you can get yourself insured under term life policy at the fraction of the cost of a whole-life scheme with typically the same coverage amount. However, do not forget that Term Life Insurance covers you only for a pre-defined period of time.

Keep yourself Fit – Be a low risk proposition for your insurance provider by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and keeping yourself away from addictions such as smoking, drugs and alcohol. A good health record will result in considerable reduction in your life insurance premiums.

Consult an Insurance Advisor - To reduce your life insurance premium, the easiest thing you can do is to consult a good Insurance Advisor. Since the advisor will be pro in the insurance marketplace, he/she would be able to get you to the most affordable deal in line with your coverage requirements. Essentially a good insurance advisor would compare different market rates for you and would also negotiate the best rates on your behalf. Well, internet is a great place to identify an agent.

Start at a young age!

Insure yourself at a young age. Life insurance premium at a young age is only a fraction of what it could be when you are well into your middle-age. The premise is young and healthy people are the lowest risk segment. The low mortality risk is a great incentive for insurance companies to insure you at lower premiums.

Monday, 11 July 2016

Mood disorders might be genetically linked

Everyone's just a little bit crazy on the inside, or so the saying goes. If the statistics are anything to go by, then the old saying is rather accurate. Studies show that everyone has fought off a mental illness at least once, usually in the form of a mood disorder, like depression or social anxiety disorder. In fact, most people have experienced a bout with mood disorder at least once in their lives without even being aware of it, particularly in the case of people who have suffered from seasonal affective disorder. These problems are quite common and, in most cases, go by without causing any truly permanent damage to a person if they were only around for a short-term period. It is the long-term cases that tend to cause worry, especially in the case of a mood disorder like depression.

Recent studies have come to indicate that parents who have a mood disorder are likely to pass them on to their children. There is only a little evidence at the moment and the theory has no definite proof yet, but it is an idea that is gaining ground. It is known that bipolar disorder, a mood disorder like depression, is something that can be passed on genetically. Research conducted by Johns Hopkins has found that other disorders of this type are genetically linked to bipolar as well, with panic disorder, depression, and panic attacks being listed. The results have implied that, like bipolar, these conditions may be inherited genetically and might be triggered by the same genetic factors as bipolar. While the data does not point out which particular genome or strand is responsible, it is considered a great step forward in understanding and treating the problems.

Findings show that there was an increased risk for children of parents who had bipolar disorder, with later findings showing that they developed other types of mood disorder later in life. The risk, according to tests, increased if both parents were bipolar cases. This genetic link has many scientists and experts in the field of mental health intrigued, particularly because of the nature of what the study was observing. Symptoms of any sort of behavioral or mood disorder can vary drastically from person to person, even if the subjects are all from the same family. Some argue that while genetics may trigger or increase vulnerability to it, it cannot be the sole factor, nor can it be as important a component as some believe.

Another complication in ascertaining the genetic link comes in the form of overlapping symptoms. One disorder can manifest the symptoms of another in the same person, even if that person only has one. So someone that has bipolar can manifest symptoms similar to panic, but that is only bipolar that bears the appearance of panic, not panic disorder in itself. This has not only made it difficult for mental health professionals to ascertain what the problem they're dealing with is, it has also made verifying the results of the study (if not the veracity of the study itself) very difficult. With very little way to ascertain the certainty of the results or the data that led to them, the genetic link remains speculation, even if further study is being considered.

Sunday, 10 July 2016

Building your dream home - part 1

For most of my adult life I had thought about someday building my Dream Home. Several years ago I finally got the chance. I had purchased a lake front lot with a small cottage on it. My initial intention was to use the property “as is”, and someday raze the old cottage and build a new home in its place. After a couple of weekends in the musty old camp I came to the conclusion that I needed to speed up my timetable.

Part of the dream in building my own home was to act as the General Contractor and to personally supply a great deal of sweat equity. I accomplished both of these goals, however it was not easy. There were many roadblocks and bends in the road along the way. In the subsequent parts of this chronology, I will review my experiences in hopes that others may gain from my experiences.

Determining the Home Style and Size

After making the decision to raze the cottage and build a new home, I had to first determine what type and size of home to build. My lot was limited in size and required careful planning to ensure that I would meet all of the setbacks governed by the town I lived in. Although I had these concerns, I decided to forgo the Architect route. I deemed it too expensive and probably not necessary for the style of home I wanted to build. Instead I picked up a handful of Home Plan magazines and surfed the internet for home designs. I also picked up an inexpensive software package for designing homes and floorplans. After a week of reviewing home plans, I found one that met most of my requirements in terms of a floorplan. The footprint was smaller than I wanted, but I concluded that I could redraw the floor plan accordingly using my newly purchased Home Design Software Package.

The Home Design Software package was not as simple to use as the instruction manual implied, however after a couple of weeks I had a floorplan with all the dimensional information.

Assuming the role as the General Contractor

As I had indicated earlier, one of my goals was to assume the role as General Contractor on this project. I quickly learned that banks frown upon lending construction mortgages to everyday homeowners and to folks who have little professional building experience. I got around this issue by deciding not to use the banks for financing. However, from what I learned later, it may have been possible for me to assume a construction mortgage if I had quit my day job and applied for the loan as a “full time General Contractor”. Indeed, I would have needed to complete a full proposal to the bank with all costs and subcontractors identified, but this is necessary anyways.

As the General Contractor I developed a build schedule and task list. Some of the top items included: Identifying subcontractors, pulling permits, and having a septic design approved.

Carefully Pick your Sub-Contractors

Identifying the right subcontractors is the most important task a General Contractor performs. Poor selection of subcontractors can lead to delays in schedules, cost overruns, poor workmanship and strife between the various subcontractors on the job. Prior to hiring subcontractors, it is important to visit their current jobsites. Review their work on existing jobsites and mingle with the other subs to judge the working relationship. In addition get two or three reference checks on the subcontractors. If there are poor workmanship, personality issues, or references move on. Do not settle for second rate subs, even if it means slipping your schedule or costs goals, as you will more than likely suffer even larger schedule slips or higher costs by hiring the wrong people.

Pulling Permits

Once you have selected and hired your excavator, chief framer, and foundation company, review with them your plans. Make sure you walk the site with them, and carefully stake out the house footprint, paying careful attention to lot setbacks, septic tanks, leach fields and well location. Once all are agreed upon with the house plans and the location of the home, contact the building inspector and review with him/her your plans. You will need to submit a very thorough package to the building inspector prior to getting approval. There are frequently town and state forms that need to be filled out regarding wetlands, and home thermal analysis. In addition, detailed engineering drawings of the proposed home may be required. In my case the Framer was able to assist in developing additional sketches of the house plan to ensure structural compliance to local, state and federal building codes. If I had used the initial home plans I had obtained, those would have been sufficient. I also could have contacted an architect with my selected plans to provide additional details, however it was not necessary in my case.

After about a week and several hundred dollars later I had the permit to build a new home.

Septic Design

My home required its own septic system on site. As a result, I required a septic design and an associated permit for the new home. I recommend pursuing this as early as possible in any new home project as this can take up to 2-3 months to complete as both town and state approvals are required, not to mention site and engineering work.

Without knowing exactly where the septic system and tank will reside, it may be difficult to locate the exact position of the home and in many cases the building inspector may not approve the building permit until the septic design permit has been obtained. I was fortunate in that the property already had a small septic system on the lot, so the building inspector gave me approval. I was at financial risk, however, in the event the new septic design was not approved or needed to be repositioned from the proposed location. Fortunately that was not the case and I was able to move forward on razing the cottage and beginning site work.

To Be Continued ….

In Part 2 of “Building Your Dream House”, I will cover razing an existing building, performing site prep work, and pouring foundation walls. Stay tuned……………

For more help on building a new home, see HomeAdditionPlus. com's New Home Construction Bid sheet. The New Home Construction Bid Sheet will help ensure that your new home construction project goes smoothly and is completed on time and budget.

The best loan alternatives

When thinking about borrowing money, most people look at loans as the most sensible option. Although it is true that loans are often a good option for borrowing money, they are also inflexible, and if you are someone who wants to pay back your loan early then there can be heavy penalties. However, there are some alternatives to loans if you want to borrow money:


One of the cheapest ways of borrowing money is through the use of an overdraft, especially if you want to borrow money on a short-term basis. Your bank can agree an amount of excess to the amount you currently have in your account, which you can use but will pay interest on. By authorising an overdraft you can use this money as a permanent line of credit. Some banks even off interest free overdrafts. However, overdrafts are still not advisable as a long term means of borrowing money, and the amount of credit you can get is often fairly low. .

Credit cards

Credit cards are one of the most common alternatives to loans, and can provide you with a good source of extra money when needed. If you can get the level of credit you need and are able to pay off the bill promptly, then you will pay little or no interest. However, the major problem with credit cards is that the interest is usually higher than a loan, and there is a danger of getting too many cards. If you avoid these dangers, then using a credit card as an alternative to loans can work well.


Mortgages are perhaps the best way to borrow large sums of money over a long period of time. You can add credit to your mortgage by borrowing against the equity in your home and adding that amount to your repayments. The advantages of a mortgage are that the interest rate is low and the payments are spread out so the payments appear small. However, because you are paying back over a long period of time, the interest can still add up, and you will not pay the amount back for a long time.

Hire purchase

Hire purchase is useful if you are borrowing money to buy a car or high value electrical goods. Car dealers often offer this method of borrowing money during the sale. In hire purchase, you pay a deposit and then pay monthly payments to the provider. When these payments are finished, then the item belongs to you.

This is a good method for buying a car as the interest is often lower than a normal loan, and it is made easy by the fact that the credit is provided by the seller. However, it is called ‘hire’ purchase because until you finish all of the payments, you do not own the item, and if you miss payment the item can be repossessed.

Which is best?

Deciding if one of these loan alternatives is right for you can be tricky, but to help you decide you should work out what it is you want to borrow money for, how long you want to be paying back the money, and your overall financial situation. If you look at all the options, then you will find the best method of credit for your needs.

Saturday, 9 July 2016

Dna left behind in space alien encounter

Some folks, skeptics and scoffers, are not going to believe in the existence of Aliens from other worlds manning UFO's unless they land in their backyards and ask for directions or to call a tow. And, even then, I do not know whether that would convince a scoffing skeptic.

I address this issue in my new book, I Was Abducted by Aliens But They Threw Me Back, in which I make the point that if you know you've been repeatedly abducted, for God's sake, Velcro that digital camera to your wrist when you go to bed at night. Don't leave the camera behind when you are planning on tooling down one of those deserted, "two-lane, come and abduct me because I am asking for it" highways where you will just be begging to get swooped up by a bunch of little Grey men (Why do repeat Abductees always drive down deserted highways at two in the morning?). Evidence is what is needed, even in the form of photographs. We can't just depend on eyewitness accounts for proof.

I do not particularly poo-poo eyewitness accounts. It seems to work well in a court of law to send a convicted person to prison or the gallows. But, this doesn't seem to fly with scientists because, well, you know how scientists can be. It's their way or it's the highway. What can't be crammed into the scientific method is nothing more than figments of us mere mortals' overworked and overcharged imaginations. The truth is that eyewitnesses can get it wrong, and often do. However, I do not see the court system throwing out using people's testimonies anytime soon. When it comes to proving Bigfoot or the possibility that humans are being taken to where no man has agreed to go before by bug-eyed aliens, science wants DNA and nothing short of this will do. Well, move over Carl Sagan (or turn over in your grave), there is DNA evidence from a purported alien encounter.

Peter Khoury, a Lebanese expatriate to Australia, had a humdinger of an encounter of the third kind that neither his wife nor he will soon forget. Born in Lebanon in 1964, he moved to The Land Down Under in 1973 where he eventually met his future wife, Vivian. Married in 1990, he and his wife live in Sydney and have two children. He owns a local business.

They had their first UFO encounter in February 1988, which was nothing more (or was it?) than just a simple sighting of lights in the night sky. I am always amused when I hear about these sighting since most of us have seen them. The things that really ring my bell are the daytime sightings with not-so-shy aliens who wave at you from their spaceships hovering just 100 feet off the ground. Now, that's a sighting. Lights in a dark night sky, while interesting, are usually just that; lights in the night sky.

Khoury's experience of seeing lights in the night sky would not end with that event. In the summer of 1988, Peter had a waking or conscious experience. While resting in bed, and while some relatives were watching television in the living room, Peter suddenly felt something grab his ankle. The grabbing of the ankle, according to Khoury, paralyzed him. He felt his body go numb. Wide-awake, he saw three or four figures in the room with him. They were dressed in some sort of hooded garb. He alleges that one or more spoke to him in a telepathic manner urging him not to be afraid that "it would like last time." Then, one of the figures inserted a long needle into the side of his head, whereupon he lapsed into unconsciousness.

(Let me just say I would have fainted long before the needle came at me.)

Upon his eventual awaking, he ran into the living room where he found his relatives still watching television. They thought that just a few minutes had passed since Peter had gone into his room to lie down, but in reality, hours had passed.

The next morning, he and his wife discovered a small puncture wound on the side of his head where he claimed someone inserted a needle into his head. The creature not only paralyzed him, but also took something from his head.

Peter Khoury had not only never heard of alien abductions, he was not looking to have one. His interests did not lie in that direction. He alleges he had had no previous contact with anyone from this field of study. It was his wife who found some information that led them to an unsatisfying association with UFO groups in his area. It was in 1992 that Khoury would have yet another bizarre experience that would catapult him to contact Bill Chalker, a renowned expert in this field.

On the morning of July 23, 1992, Khoury was suddenly awakened to the sight of two naked, very human-looking females sitting on his bed. One of the women looked Asiatic while the other looked Scandinavian. Khoury claims they looked physically perfect and very exotic. He also alleges the eyes of the women looked unnatural in that they were bigger than a human's eyes.

The women, as you can guess it, forced themselves on Khoury. He did resist and even attempted to bite one of them. His resistance caused what Khoury describes as confusion or shock. The women promptly vanished.

Khoury then alleges that he went to the bathroom and attempted to urinate. It was at that point that he experienced tremendous pain in his penis. When he pulled back the foreskin to examine himself, he discovered a blonde hair (one of the women was blonde while the other had black hair) wrapped tightly around his penis. The area of his penis where the hairs were wound was burning intensely. He did manage to unravel them and had the presence of mind to save the two blonde hairs in a plastic bag.

These pieces of hair were actual physical evidence of an alleged alien encounter. Peter Khoury presented to Ufologist and Alien Abductee investigator, Bill Chalker, the first case of collected evidence of an alien abduction experience. DNA was recovered from the hair samples.

A polymerase chain reaction process was done on the sample yielding a good result. For comparisons, hair was taken from the Khoury household members. The results were astounding.

"The thin blond hair, which appeared to have come from a light-skinned Caucasian-type woman, could not have come from a normal human of that racial type. Instead, though human, the hair showed five distinctive DNA markers that are characteristic of a rare sub-group of the Chinese Mongoloid racial type. A detailed survey of the literature on variations in mitochondrial DNA, comprising tens of thousands of samples, showed only four other people on record with all five of the distinctive markers in the blond hair. All four were Chinese, with black hair." and "The findings suggest that all four of the Chinese subjects share a common female ancestor with the blonde woman. But there is no easy explanation for how this could be." - The Anomaly Physical Evidence Group

To whom did the hair belong and how and why was it around Peter Khoury's penis? No one knows.

But, without this evidence, Khoury's experience would be chalked up to yet another unprovable eyewitness account.

Friday, 8 July 2016

Silver jewelry for man

Man wearing silver jewelry like chain, cross or even bracelet is not so uncommon now days as it was sometime back. Those days are over, when wearing any kind of jewelry by man was looked as girly. Nowadays for man, Silver Jewelry can be a perfect way of showing others that you have your own distinct way of fashion sense. Wearing a cool artistic silver chain or a cross can really make you star attraction of any party and it shows that you like to stand out of the league. Always remember that you may have a pleasant personality but it’s going to be what you wear, which will count first.

There are certain factors like being cheap, easy to handle as compared to gold and getting customized, which makes silver jewelry popular among today’s man. The best thing about silver jewelry is that you can wear them as casual wear unlike other costly metal wear. You can wear them while on beach, or playing some outdoor game or at some meeting.

The cost of silver Jewelry for man can vary a lot as it depend on factors like how much artistic work has been done on it, what kind of finishing it has and whether it’s having any other costlier metal or gem in it. But still you can get a good ear ring or chain for around $20 to $50.

The most popular silver items among man are chain, rings and crosses. After that we can count earrings, bracelets and some other jewelry. It’s advisable to not to buy silver jewelry from online stores but find a shop in your town, as the looks can be highly deceptive from what you see online and what the actual jewelry is. If you have a friend who knows a thing or two about jewelry than take him with you.

How to play texas holdem for beginners

Texas Holdem is by far the most common for of poker played today due to is popularity there are even several TV shows of the game. Besides being popular texas Holdem is also the best game for a beginner to learn, the game can be learned after a few minutes and afte just a few hours of practice you can be playing fairly well against other beginners, but to really get good you must play often.

Texas Holdem is played the same way in the casino, online casinos and in your home with your pals.

Texas Holdem is played in the following manner:

1. Betting structures can vary. In Texas Holdem rarely are antes used. Most Texas Holdem games start with first two players on the dealers left placing predetermined bets. These players are called the small and large blind, and their bets are called posting the blinds.

2. Each player receives 2 cards face down. These cards are called you pocket cards and they are the only cards that are unique to you.

3. After each player is dealt their hole cards a round of betting takes place starting with the player to the left of the 2 blinds this round of betting is called the pre-flop. Just like in any other poker game a player can call raise of fold during their turn.

4. After the Pre-Flop round is over the dealer will remove the top card from the deck and discard it, this is called the Burn Card. This is done to make sure that no cheating is done. The dealer will then turn over 3 cards in the center of the table. This round is called the Flop. Any player may use any of these cards to make the best 5 card hand possible, but you are not allowed to actually touch the cards, each player can use the same cards if it help them, this is why your hole cards are so important.

5. As with the pre-flop there is now another round of betting, it is at this point you will start to see players folding.

6. After the betting is over, the dealer will burn another card, then deal the fourth of the communal cards. This card is called the Turn card

7. Again another round of betting begins and now is when you will start to see the size of the pot really grow.

8. One last time the dealer burns the top card before turning over the last card of the game, called the River card. Players now have all 5 of the communal cards and their own hole card to make the best 5 card hand.

9. One last chance is given to raise the bets or get out of the game. After this each player still in the game will show their cards. This is called the Showdown. The player with the best hand is declared the winner and wins the pot.

Now that you know the basic order of the game you are ready to start playing Texas Holdem. Holdem is a simple game to learn but if hard to master. This is the part that will take you many hand and many dollars, but if you put in the time you will be rewarded for it.

Thursday, 7 July 2016

How to win at forex

Foreign currency exchange, the greatest game in the world with a daily trading volume of over a trillion and a half dollars (thirty times larger than the volume of all the U. S. equity markets combined), has it's share of winners and mostly losers. Do you want to learn how to be in the winners circle?

Like any game it's important to know the rules in order to win. You don't have to be a professional to enter the sport, but you should have a basic understanding of the game and how it's played. Most of this can be learned for free from the online brokerage houses who also give you free trading software so you can actually practice playing the game and gain your confidence and skills before plunking down your real cash in the big leagues.

As in any sport, the most important thing to do is practice before you actually play in the real game. I can't stress that enough. Practice, practice, practice makes perfect. The only thing it will cost you is your time. When you think your ready to step on the playing field, start small. Most brokers will allow you to start trading in mini accounts with as little as 300 dollars.

And now for what you've been waiting for, the secret to winning at Forex. You need to have a trading strategy. In other words you need to know what to look for and how to trade to make money. Work out a basic game plan you expect to follow and never let your emotions influence your trades. Rule number one is never to risk more than 2% of your account balance on any one trade. That way if you have a streak of bad luck you will not wipe out your account. Rule number two is that if you have a string of five loses in a row, stop trading real money and go back to demo trading until you have demonstrated success for at least a week. Only then do you go back to trading with real money. Rule number three is to employ strict trading rules that you stick to no matter what and do not trade wildly. If you preserve your capital from big risks you will allow it to grow steadily and consistently. Don't try to make a killing in a short time and you can reasonably expect to grow your account by 10% a month or more.

Remember to have fun with it and learn a little more each day. This could turn into a lifelong professional career.

Wishing you success,

Edward Karniewicz

Glossary of terms a-c - cctv


Alternating Current


Electronic system used to allow, restrict and track the movement of people through entry/exit points in a site. This is achieved through the use of electronic individual codes, keys or cards etc, to release a locking mechanism.


A feature built into some multiplexers, which is used to detect movement within a camera’s field of view that is then used to improve camera recording update rate.


An electronic circuit that is used to boost the video signal in a camera in low light conditions. Use of this feature will usually give a “noisy” or grainy picture. When comparing camera specifications always use data with AGC off.


A facility which allows the use of external alarm equipment such as PIR’s, magnetic contacts etc to be connected to CCTV equipment so that when the alarm is activated the CCTV equipment will automatically carry out a pre programmed function such as switching to record a given camera.


A feature of an Auto Iris lens used to adjust the between peak and average voltage which will emphasise detail in bright areas (peak), or shadows (average).


Complex mathematical formulae or rules used to solve complex problems in CCTV they are used to achieve digital compression of a video picture.


Also known as Moirй patterning. This is an effect that occurs when an analogue signal is sampled digitally at a sampling frequency less than twice the signal frequency. The effect can be minimised by a technique known as optical low-pass filtering.


A signal in which the level is represented by a directly proportional voltage. In video the cameras scene is represented by varying the voltage in the video signal where the voltage is directly proportional to the light level.


DC power source with a longer life than a standard battery. Cannot be recharged.


Expression of the strength of a video signal at a given point. Measured in Volts.


Represents the area of a scene (maximum horizontal and vertical angle) that can be seen through a lens. Measured in degrees.


The light gathering part of a lens. The size of the aperture is controlled by the Iris. Aperture size is expressed as an “f” number. The lower the “f” number the greater the amount of light gathered by the lens.


The ratio between the width and height of a video picture. The standard Aspect Ratio for CCTV Monitors, NTSC and PAL systems is 4:3.


A type of lens, which has a non-spherical shape. It is harder and more expensive to manufacture, but it offers certain advantages over a normal spherical lens.


The decrease in magnitude of a signal, as it travels through a medium. Used to describe signal loss in a transmission system. Measured in decibels (dB).


A device used to detect sound. In CCTV system it can be interfaced with a switcher to switch on a nominated camera when the detector is activated.


System used in colour cameras to detect and automatically correct errors in the amplitude of colour signals.


An automatic method of varying the size of a lens aperture to allow the correct amount of light to fall on the imaging device. The lens Includes a tiny motor and amplifier, which are used to maintain a one-volt Peak to peak video signal.


A feature of a pan and tilt head or dome, which allows the camera to pan continually between two preset points.


Represents the average light level of a picture and is used to open or the iris in an Auto Iris lens.


A fine mechanical adjustment in a camera that is used to adjust the imaging device relative to the lens to ensure that it is at the exact focal point for the lens fitted. This adjustment is especially important when fitting a zoom lens.


An effect noticed in Pan and Tilt units, whereby the unit does not come to a smooth stop at the end of the pan movement. This is usually caused by play in the mechanical components of the unit or by attempting to bring the unit to an instant stop.


This is a video signal that has been converted to enable it to be transmitted along ‘twisted pair’ cables. Usually used where the signal has to be transmitted over long distances, which would produce unacceptably high losses in Coaxial cable.


The frequency range required to carry an electronic signal without attenuation or loss.


A distortion in a monitor due to non uniform scanning which causes the image to appear to bulge outward like a barrel.


Data transfer rate, named after Maurice Emile Baud, Equal to 1bit per second.


Acronym formed from "binary digit". The basic unit of information in a computer or digital system Either 1 or 0.


Part of the video signal, just above the sync level corresponding to 0.3v This is where black parts of an image are electronically represents.


A black pulse added to a monitor signal during the fly back period to make the return trace video signal invisible on the screen.


Standard connector used to connect coaxial cables to CCTV equipment or each other.


Term for a multi-input sequential video switcher, which includes a sequencing output and spot output.


Term for the intensity of illumination of a reproduced video picture.


Control, which increases or decreases the illumination of phosphors on a monitor screen to vary the brightness.


A group of textile or metallic filaments inter-woven to form a tubular structure, which may be applied over one or more wires, or flattened to form a strap.


A group of eight bits.


High quality, high-resolution camera used by the professional broadcast industry.


Computer Aided Design. Method of producing complex designs using computer based software programs.


High frequency signals are attenuated when transmitted through cables. A Cable Compensated Amplifier boosts the high frequency signals depending on the cable distance. This ensures the minimum video loss.


The central part of the cable, which actually carries the video, power and control signals. This can be constructed as a single conductor, or from wire strands.


The outer protective coating, which covers the Cable Core.


Commitee Consultatif International des Radiocommunique. European standardisation body that has set the standards for television signals in Europe. 625 lines, 25 frames per second.


Closed Circuit Television. Television system intended to be viewed by restricted personnel and with a dedicated purpose. Pictures from a CCTV system are not intended to be broadcast for general viewing.


Closed Circuit Video Equipment. Alternative term for CCTV.


Colour Filter Array. Optical pixel filters used in single chip colour CCD cameras, to produce the colour components of a video signal.


The term for the separation of signals when multiplexed at different frequencies for transmission down a single cable.


Optical term, which refers to the distortion of an image as a result of a scattered focal point caused by a defect in a lens. A combination of lens can be used to correct this effect.


The part of the video signal that contains the colour information. In composite video The chrominance signal is multiplexed at a higher frequency than the signal and transmitted down the same cable. In S-VHS this signal is transmitted along a separate cable.


The outer part of a fibre optics cable. The cladding is less dense than the central core, and acts as an optical barrier to prevent the transmitted signal from leaking away from the core.


Standard lens mounting with a 17.526mm back flange (distance between the lens mount and the focal point). Normally used on 2/3” and 1” cameras and lenses.


Term for cable in which two or more conductors share the same axis. Normally consists of a single inner core and an outer shield. This is the standard cable used to carry video signals in CCTV installations, because it does not produce and is not influenced by external fields.


A filter that is placed in front of a colour CCD chip to break up the light into the basic colours (Red, Green, and Blue) The individual colours are then directed at different pixels on the chip.


Device used to synchronise cameras by generating a synchronising pulse that is sent to all cameras connected to it.


The complete video signal, comprising both the video and sync information.


Type of lens in which the light rays passing through it are made to diverge by the inward curve of the glass surface.


Plastic or metallic pipe, which is used to conceal and protect cables and wiring.


The difference in intensity between the darkest and the brightest parts of an image.


The control on a monitor used to change the contrast by varying the amplitude of the video signal.


Type of lens in which the light rays passing through it are made to converge by the outward curve of the glass surface.


Type of CCTV camera, which is concealed to allow video recordings to be made without the knowledge of the subjects.


Central Processing Unit. The heart of a computer or computer based device.


Term used to describe the process of joining a cable to a connector without screwing or soldering. Requires a special crimping tool to ensure a proper connection.


Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (see Oscilloscope).


Noise generated by the interference between adjacent video, audio or data signals in a multiplexed signal.


Standard lens mounting with a 12.5mm back flange (the distance between the lens mount and the focal point) Normally used on modern ј”, 1/3”, and Ѕ” cameras and lenses.

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

4 quick and easy tips on how-to become the person of your dreams

Quick question...

What would you like to be when you grow up?

I bet you often heard this question asked many times when you were still young from your parents and relatives.

But, have you really given that question some deep thoughts?

Different people have different dreams.

So, what's your aspiration? Do you want to become a doctor, lawyer, pilot, or entertainer?


Would you like to be a Tom Cruise or Bill Gates?

Let me tell you right now, you can become what you want to become. You can become anything you want to be as long as you put your Mind and Heart into it.

I recommend you read some biographies of the people who inspire you the most. It's a great way to give you some guidance through their experiences they share within their biographies as to how they got to where they are today.

Here are 4 more quick tips and words of encouragement to keep you all fired up towards becoming who you want to be in life.

Tip #1.

Learn as much as possible about the person you aspire to be. Let's say your dream is to become a basketball player.

Gather all facts and information about the sport. Research on the internet, read books, watch the games and analyze team strategies; in other words, strive to be an Expert.

Tip #2.

You must have the Desire and Passion to know everything you can about the subject. If you can have a real person to imitate or look up to, the better.

For example, you may see yourself as Michael Jordan (for basketball), Mariah Carey (for singing), or Heide Klum (for modeling). Feel, talk, and act as if you're that person you're emulating. You'll quickly acquire the behavior and qualities of that person. This formula works like a charm, so just give it a try.

Tip #3.

Take Motivated Action and start pursuing your dreams!

Don't wait for everything to be perfect. That will never happen. There will always be bumps and obstacles ahead. The important thing is to start Right NOW and adjust along the way.

You'll be glad did.

Tip #4.

Persist until the VERY end.

Never let failures distract you. Just keep pushing yourself to the limit.

If you think that a task seems impossible to accomplish, banish that thought... Immediately!

Your mind has the capacity to bring into reality anything you desire.

As long as you stay Focused and Patient on your objective despite any setbacks or discouragements, you will become successful much sooner than you may think.

An introduction to online poker

According to studies, around eighty million Americans enjoy playing poker. With the growing number of online poker sites, more people are joining the burgeoning pool of enthusiasts who enjoy this game. Apart from offering a wider range of games and sites, online poker gives you the opportunity to play with more seasoned players from across the globe. You can rub shoulders with professional poker players online, and perfect your gaming skills.

It is difficult to find the best site to play poker. It all depends on what you want at that time. If you are keen to have good tournaments and good customer service, Poker Stars is where you should anchor. On the other hand, if you are using Linux or Mac, you should frequent websites which offers Java-based services. In a nutshell, there will be only a handful of poker sites where you would find a real poker game. These sites don’t indulge in gimmicks to lure traffic, as they are popular for their content.

Worrying about losing the deposit money is a genuine concern while playing online. Playing with established poker sites can safeguard you against these risks. These sites are regulated by gaming commissions, backed by leading financial companies and therefore assured to give winners their due. However, keep your eyes open, as these commissions are not authorized by the government and work fairly only to maintain their own reputations.

Online poker forums are an excellent source for beginners and experts to meet and discuss the fine points of the game. They can offer advice and feedback which is free and very helpful. Using a credit card is considered wise while funding online poker games. They work as a safety net for problems like overcharging and scams.